sushi vinegar is made by adding salt to vinegar , or by adding salt and sugar to vinegar . すし酢は酢と塩、または酢と塩に砂糖を加えて合わせたもの。
sushi vinegar is made by adding salt to vinegar , or by adding salt and sugar to vinegar . すし酢は酢と塩、または酢と塩に砂糖を加えて合わせたもの。
the fish used for making kotsuzake can be eaten like an ordinary grilled fish by adding salt , soy sauce or other seasonings . 使用済みの魚は通常の焼き魚と同様に、醤油・塩などで好みの味付けを施し、食すことができる。
hasuhameshi , also called hasumeshi , is a dish made by steaming lotus leaves , softening them by adding salt , mincing softened lotus leaves and mixing them with steaming rice . 蓮葉飯(はすはめし)とは蓮飯(はすめし)ともいい、蓮の葉を蒸しあげ塩を加え柔らかくして細かく刻んで炊き立てのご飯と混ぜたものである。
it is made by mixing mainly ground meat and minced vegetables with bread crumbs , adding salt , which lends the meat mixture some cohesion , and eggs as a binder , and is broiled , and another type is ' nikomi hanbagu ' (stewed hamburger ) stewed in richly flavored soups . 主に挽肉とみじん切りにした野菜にパン粉を混ぜ、塩を加えて肉の粘性を出し、卵を繋ぎとして焼き固めた物であるが、味の濃いスープで煮込んだ「煮込みハンバーグ」という料理もある。